Bart Riles, the pony rider, died this morning from wounds received at Cold Springs, May 16. The men at Dry Creek Station have all been killed and it is thought those at Robert's Creek have met with the same fate. Six Pike's Peakers found th
On March 26, 1860, there appeared simultaneously in the St. Louis Republic and the New York Herald the following notice: To San Francisco in 8 days by the Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company. The first courier of the Po
Postage stamps were first placed on sale to the public in Canada on April 23rd, 1851, as we shall show later, but, according to an interesting article which appeared in the London Philatelist for June, 1904, it seems possible that at l
Before concluding our notes regarding the postage stamps proper of Canada it will be as well to make brief reference to a proposed commemorative series which, fortunately or unfortunately as one views these special sets, never eventuated. Early i
Canada was originally the French colony of New France, which comprised the range of territory as far west as the Mississippi, including the Great Lakes. After the war of independence it was confined to what are now the provinces of Quebec and
The Stamp Collector's Magazine for August, 1868, contained an interesting article on the history of the Canadian Post-office, largely compiled from information given in the “Canadian Postal Guide,” which we cannot do better
Canada has never issued special postage stamps for use on departmental correspondence but in November, 1884, a German paper,—Der Philatelist—on the advice of a correspondent, chronicled a series for official use. These were s
The Pony Express was the first rapid transit and the first fast mail line across the continent from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast. It was a system by means of which messages were carried swiftly on horseback across the plains and deser
When the Southern states withdrew, a conspiracy was on foot to force California out of the Union, and organize a new Republic of the Pacific with the Sierra Madre and the Rocky Mountains for its Eastern boundary. This proposed commonwealth, when
In the history of overland transportation in America, the Pony Express is but one in a series of many enterprises. As emphasized at the beginning of this book, its importance lay in its opportuneness; in the fact that it appeared at the psycholo
Following the discovery of gold in California in January 1848, that region sprang into immediate prominence. From all parts of the country and the remote corners of the earth came the famous Forty-niners. Amid the chaos of a great mining camp th
On entering the service of the Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company, employees of the Pony Express were compelled to take an oath of fidelity which ran as follows: "I, - -, do hereby swear, before the Great and Living Go